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Amano Time Clock Enclosures

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We supply a variety of Time Clock Enclosures for Waterproof and Security applications to protect the Investment of your Amano Time Clock, Amano Badge MTX-10 and MTX-20 Terminals or Biometric Time Clock.

Find timeclock enclosures for most Amano models, such as the PIX-10, PIX-21, PIX-15, model 3600 and TCX-22 Time Recorders, CP3000 and EX9000. In addition, customers that use Clock Terminals for the Amano TruTime and Time Guardian Pro time and attendance systems and the Hand Punch Biometric Terminals are now able to ensure the long-life of this more expensive equipment.

Ideal for outdoor and other hostile environments. Completely waterproof with drip shield and rear mounting holes, inside mounting for electrical duplex outlet and continuous hinge on cover with hasp for locking the enclosure with a padlock. Optional Heater and Fan for extreme enviroments. Choose from many color options. custom fit for your system.


Need a Custom Amano Time Clock Enclosure?...just contact us with your requirements.