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Mini PC

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The mini PC is a small powerful computer on par with most desktop computers, that takes up less space. The Mini PC is also known as an Intel NUC.

mini PC - Intel NUC

Windows Mini PC

Yes the MiniPC is equipped with the latest Windows 11 Pro, supporting business applications and network connectivity. Purpose built with the added benefit of portability and small size, these models of Mini PC can often fit inside a pocket, purse or hidden in a drawer or behind a Digital Display or Monitor. The Mini Pc in this category can power up to Three Displays. 

Intel Mini PC

We spotlight the Intel Mini PC, as you shop for each MiniPC on this site, it is equipped with powerful Intel i5 or i9 or N97 processors. What is an Intel NUC, the Intel NUC was released in year 2013....nowadays the Mini PC is synonymously thought of as Intel NUC, however the mini pc is fully equipped with a Harddrive, RAM Memory and Windows Operating System resulting in a totally functioning computer device. 

Blackview Mini PC MP200

High Quality workmanship and good performance the Blackview Mini PC is a solid contender in the Mini PC market. The MP200 MiniPC is equipped with 12th generation Alder Lake i5-12450H processor and the technology perfect for a solid Office PC, Digital Signage, and everday computing tasks. One of the Best Mini PC on the market, Blackview is an established global manufacturer for Mini PC and Rugged Tablets and smartphones.

What can you do with a MiniPC:

  • General Computing Tasks at Office or Home, such as web browsing, Office Applications and so much more
  • Multimedia Player connected to a touchscreen monitor, Smart TV, or digital display
  • Digital Signage Player
  • Wireless Screen Mirroring
  • Portable PC
  • Web Conferencing

Windows Mini PC
mini PC Digital Signage

mini PC Wireless Screen Mirroring

mini PC Web Conferencing

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